Monday, January 7, 2008

testing one, two, three Rad1's House is the place to be...

1OK, So it's 2008 and I'm just now messing around with this Blogger action! But hey, I am in so many other places on the weba'dub'dub'double'U.

It's not that I am new or anything.. I was on Friendster before there was a Myspace!! I rarely use either, becuase once I found FLICKR, that is the place for me as I can post all my images!!! I'm all about my FLICKR:

I also have a YoutTube page too! Youtube is basically taking over tv as we know it!!!
It's like Sirius/XM radio - but more like content on demad! I can search all the things I am interested in and find cool stuff to check, plus post a few of my video of the things I am doing.

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